Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Weir High Class of 1979

Throughout my high school years I always ran around with girlfriends who were older than me.  There only maybe 2 people from my class that I was close friends with and continued to be friends with.  One of those friends passed away a few years ago from cancer and the other one pissed me one day and I quit being friends with her.

I went to my ten year and twenty year reunion.  I had a blast at my ten year and a so so time at my twenty year.  I did not make it to my thirty year because I got to drunk the night before at the ice breaker!!!

Last year we had our first annual Christmas get togehter and tonight our second! I honestly have to say what a wonderful time we had.  I not had seen a few of the people since we graduated 31 years ago.  God that is a long time not to see someone. 

It was so nice to catch up on everyone and what they were up to, how many kids they had, what their kids are up to, who has grandkids!  It was nice to just sit and eat and talk to all these wonderful people.

I am so glad that I put forth an effort to get reconnected these last two years.  We all stay in touch via Facebook but to see each other in person after all these years was the best Christmas present I could ever ask for.

So the my classmates of The Weir High Class of 1979: "We are still mighty fine"

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